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  • Harnessing The Power of Castor Oil Packs for Hormonal Harmony in Menopause

Harnessing The Power of Castor Oil Packs for Hormonal Harmony in Menopause

Navigating the intricacies of menopause can be a transformative journey. That’s not always the case for others who experience symptoms that disrupt their lives on a daily basis. Having natural solutions that work can make all the difference between suffering and thriving. One such holistic remedy is castor oil packs. Maybe you’ve tried it or know someone who has and they touted its many benefits. I personally have used castor oil for several years for liver detoxification, digestion, inflammation and for my face and hair. 

A castor oil pack is one of the OLDEST, most widespread healing rituals in the world and the best kept secret known only to a privileged few. From Traditional Chinese Medicine to Indian Ayurveda to modern Naturopathic Medicine, it has withstood the test of time for centuries in cultures all over the globe. Amazing, right? 

When purchasing castor oil, you want to look for cold pressed, organic, hexane free and the container ideally should be dark tinted glass. There are several reasons for this:

  • Purity and maintenance: Plastic containers can leach contaminants into the oil. Glass is safer and insures the castor oil remains pure.
  • UV protection: A dark glass bottle protects the oil from strong light which can cause the oil to degrade over time. The dark glass keeps the castor oil longer and it retains its effectiveness.
  • Temperature: A glass bottle is better at handling changing temperatures. You can easily place the glass bottle in warm water to safely warm the oil without damage to it.
  • Eco-Friendly: Glass is environmentally friendlier, more sustainable and has a longer life cycle than plastic.

For centuries, castor oil packs have been used for:

  • Body, mind and soul wellness and health optimization
  • Hormonal imbalances (PCOS, menopause, estrogen dominance, etc.)
  • Constipation, diarrhea, bloating, indigestion, IBS, colitis, Crohn’s disease
  • Insomnia and other sleep problems
  • Stress reduction, anxiety, depression, ADHD
  • Period regulation, endometriosis, TTC* (Trying To Conceive), ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, fibrocystic breasts
  • Cancer, tumors
  • Thyroid issues (hypothyroid, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, nodules, etc.)
  • Liver cleansing and detox, fatty liver
  • Inflammation, arthritis, joint pain

And more!

Castor oil packs are supportive in all conditions (EXCEPT pregnancy!) to naturally engage the healing mechanisms of the body.

Let’s delve into how these packs can be a game-changer for hormonal health during menopause and beyond.

Understanding Castor Oil Packs:

Castor Oil Packs involve applying a cloth soaked in castor oil to the skin. The packs are usually placed over the abdomen, where they can work their magic on the reproductive organs. I have used castor oil packs over my liver (on the right side of the abdomen) and always find it deeply relaxing. You want to make sure that your pack is made from quality organic cotton and not synthetic materials. I like the Queen of the Thrones castor oil pack which comes with both the pack and the oil. Here is a link where you can order it. I am an affiliate so I receive a small commission on this product. One of the reasons I like this particular pack is that it’s very soft and comfortable and has straps to secure it. If you’re going to wear something for an hour or more, it should feel good and not get in the way. 

I recommend wearing a t-shirt you don’t mind getting castor oil on because castor oil is hard to get out, so I have a few clothes I set aside as my “Castor Oil Clothing.” I also like to cut up old t-shirts into rags where I affix the rag onto the pack and then add additional security with an ace bandage to hold the rag in place. It’s extra insurance to keep everything in place. Plus, the layers add more warmth to the area. 

Balancing Hormones Naturally:

When our hormones are out of whack, our entire system can go haywire. Our moods are all over the place and we feel down in the dumps more often than not. We know that exercise is a huge promoter of feel-good hormones, and it’s absolutely key in helping to get balanced. Regular use of castor oil packs is another health practice that takes less than 2 minutes to prepare at night, and helps to boost our feel-good hormones, too!

The soft compression of the pack on your skin stimulates the love and connection hormone, oxytocin (the same hormone released after sex and giving birth!). The emotional area of our brain (A.K.A. the limbic system) lights up and dopamine is released, which leaves you feeling good and satisfied. It’s a natural high! 

Hormones / Estrogen Dominance 

Estrogen dominance is a fairly involved health issue and requires a comprehensive approach to healing. One of the best tools you can use to address this issue is a castor oil pack and here are reasons why: 

  1. They improve our glutathione levels, a powerful antioxidant that gets rid of excess estrogens, toxins, and byproducts of plastics (like BPA)
  2. They regulate bowel movements and provide relief from constipation so excess hormones can leave the body
  3. They reduce inflammation
  4. They help to break down Biofilm, in turn promoting balance of the Estrobolome 
  5. They reduce cortisol by switching our body into the rest and digest state

If you have a hormone imbalance, castor oil packs are an effective tool to bring healing and support to your body. You only need to wear for 1 hour a day (or overnight)

Hormones / Ovarian Cysts/Fibroids

Ovarian cysts and fibroids are so common these days that most women think they’re normal, but they’re not!! Typically these growths are a symptom of hormonal imbalance and a sign from your body that you need to make a change.

The daily practice of castor oil packs helps to balance hormones. The pack can be worn over the liver as this is the hub of all of our body’s regulatory systems (nervous, immune, digestive and hormonal) where it best influences a hormone balancing effect. It can also be alternated one night over the liver and one night over the uterine area to help with any discomfort from cysts or fibroids. There are also castor oil packs designed for wearing over the breasts (helpful for cysts)


Many women encounter more joint sensitivity around the time of menopause. The decrease in estrogen has a direct effect on the musculoskeletal system, unless we take preventative steps like using a castor oil pack,  paying attention to our nutrition, recovery, rest and exercise. 

Inflammation can also be in the core area; our abdominal cavity. Core inflammation is quite often the cause of bloating (the kind where you look like you’re 6 months pregnant – have you heard the phrase “Meno Belly?” ), and may be attributed to:

  • Stress
  • Eating a poor diet 
  • Consuming foods that you’re sensitive to (without even knowing it!)
  • Alcohol and drugs
  • Chemical exposure (i.e body care products that contain synthetics, harsh cleaning products like Tide, Windex, candles made from artificial ingredients, Febreze… These are all endocrine disruptors). 

Castor oil packs reduce inflammation and are an excellent tool to help you flatten your tummy! For this reason, they’re also great for sore joints, bumps, bruises, aches and pains! Castor oil has anti-inflammatory properties, which can be particularly beneficial during menopause when hormonal fluctuations often lead to inflammation. 

Regular use of castor oil packs stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system (i.e rest and digest).Your parasympathetic nervous system is one of two parts of your autonomic nervous system. The other is sympathetic and that kicks into high gear when we encounter any situation where we feel threatened or are in danger. Your heart rate speeds up, your body releases the hormone cortisol for more energy etc…  That’s why even low levels of chronic stress can be harmful. Your autonomic nervous system is a subsystem of your peripheral nervous system, which is all the nervous tissue in your body excluding your brain and spinal cord. Menopause can bring on anxiety, mood swings, insomnia and depression. Regular and consistent use of castor oil packs turns up the dial on the parasympathetic nervous system and turns down all those symptoms so you feel better overall. 

Since each individual is unique, some women may notice a difference within a few days and others a few weeks. By calming down the nervous system your body is in a better position to heal, recover and restore itself back into harmony. Castor oil packs are a simple, effective and inexpensive tool that you can use to help your hormones and overall health. There are even packs designed to use over your thyroid gland! 

The microbiome; a key player in your health and wellbeing

The microbiome is one of my favorite topics. Why? Because there was a period of time where my gut was terribly off and when it was, I observed I also had more anxiety. “The Gut Brain Axis” or “The Gut Brain Connection “ are inextricably linked and so it’s critical that your gut functions properly in order to absorb nutrients from the foods you consume,, have regular bowel movements and feel good overall. The hormonal flux of menopause is an opportune time to hone in on your gut health and clean up your diet, if you need to, and get serious about any other lifestyle changes that will benefit you in the years to come. 

Have you ever heard of Biofilms? It’s this sticky, slimy substance that bad bacteria can produce to protect themselves from being killed off. 

Think of the gross stuff that clogs the drain of your sink, the plaque that forms on your teeth or the slimy coating you find on stones in ponds. Now imagine this inside your gut – Eww! 

There aren’t many natural substances that have the ability to break down this gunk, but luckily castor oil is scientifically proven to be one of them! Research done in periodontal medicine showed that castor oil was just as effective as conventional denture cleaners at breaking down biofilm in the mouth. 

Castor oil packs may also improve the microbiome of the gut by breaking down biofilms produced by bad ‘gut bugs’.

Supporting Detoxification:

Menopause can bring about changes in the body’s detoxification processes. Castor oil stimulates lymphatic circulation and enhances detoxification. This, in turn assists  the body in eliminating excess hormones, promoting a more harmonious hormonal balance.

How to Use and Care for Your Castor Oil Pack(s):

  • Caring for your castor oil pack: Always wash your pack first before you use it. Use fragrance free non-toxic laundry detergent free of chemicals. Wash on the gentle or delicate cycle in warm water. Do not dry it in the dryer. Let it air dry. This applies when you’ve used your pack @ 20x. Be mindful that the castor oil will make the cotton cloth more heavy and it will remain a bit on the oily side. However, it will definitely be clean. Always wash it separately from your clothes. 
  • Making a castor oil pack: Take your organic cotton pack and put about 2 tablespoons of castor oil in the center. Then fold the pack in half and blot the area so the oil spreads out a bit more. Avoid saturating it or putting the oil at the edges of the cloth. Keep it in the center. 
  • Where to place your castor oil pack. If you want to focus on liver detoxification, place the pack over the upper right side of your abdomen. That’s where your liver is. If you want to address the uterine area, place it below your belly button. If you have inflammation anywhere on the body, you can wrap it around your knee, elbow, lower back etc.. You may need someone to help you if it’s the lower back. I recommend tearing up a rag and placing it on top of the pack along with an ace bandage for extra protection and to make the pack more secure. 
  • Using heat: This is optional and adds another layer of relaxation. Fill a hot water bottle with hot water and let it sit on the area you’re treating. 
  • Length of time to use a castor oil pack: 45 to 60 minutes. Some people sleep with it. If you’re going to be home, you can wear it for several hours. It’s completely safe. You can sleep with it too! The only downside, even with a well designed castor oil pack that’s less messy, is that it can stain your bedding and that’s a drag to get out. 
  • Precautions: If you do have a particular health issue like estrogen dominance or fibroids, consult with a healthcare professional (naturopaths and functional M.D’s are more familiar with castor oil packs than traditionally trained doctors),   before incorporating this practice. Pregnant women and those with certain health conditions should avoid Castor Oil Packs as it can bring on uterine contractions. 

Castor Oil Beauty Hacks: 

Many women experience hair thinning on the head as well as on the eyebrows and eyelashes. Instead of spending money on expensive products like minoxidil, or eyelash growth serums where we don’t know the long term effects of continuous use, give castor oil a try for 30 to 90 days. 

Using chemical based products that give you the results you want comes with a price. Natural based products may take longer but there’s a bigger bang for your buck: Castor oil actually nourishes you inside as well as outside because you’re absorbing it through your skin. 

As women embrace holistic approaches to menopause, Castor Oil Packs emerge as a gentle yet powerful tool. By promoting hormonal balance, supporting detoxification, and offering relief from symptoms, these packs can be a valuable addition to your menopause journey. Remember, the key lies in embracing these practices alongside a well-rounded approach to holistic health that include a whole foods based diet, drinking filtered water free of flouride, chlorine and other pollutants, using environmentally safe cleaning and body care products, spending time in nature and with people who nurture and support you. 

If you found this blog post helpful, please like, comment and share. Spread the castor oil love around! 

Look, Feel and Be Kuhle! 


antioxidants, anxiety, beauty hacks, biofilm, bowel movements, castor oil, castor oil pack, cysts, depression, detoxification, diet, digestion, estrobolome, estrogen balance, estrogen dominance, fibroids, glutathione, gut brain axis, hormone balance, IBS, inflammation, insomnia, liver detoxification, lymphatic system, menopause belly, menopause symptoms, microbiome, mood swings, musculoskeletal system, nutrition, ovarian cysts, parasympathetic, PCOS, recovery, rest and digest, Stress, toxins, weight loss

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