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Therapeutic Sound For Emotional, Mental & Physical Wellness

It was about five or six years ago that I first learned about Biofield Tuning.

I had quite a bit of stress in my life at the time and was looking for a way to help me feel better.

I wanted to stop being triggered in my close relationships and had stumbled upon the work of researcher and pioneer, Eileen Day McKusick, in the field of audible sound on the human biofield that uses tuning forks.

In addition to having a profound impact on the nervous system, Biofield Tuning also has the ability to neutralize every single experience one has ever had in their lifetime, as well as in the womb, and dysfunctional generational patterns. The end result is you feel like you’re in alignment with yourself, lighter, brighter and happier. It’s cumulative so the more often you do it, the more layers you peel off. I found it works at lightening speed compared to talk therapy which can take years.

I’ve always been interested in biohacking and holistic methods of health and wellness on human potential. Biofield Tuning fits perfectly into this category and resonated with me. After I read McKusick’s book, “Tuning The Human Biofield” I had a greater understanding of human consciousness, quantum energy and something often mentioned throughout the book called “plasma.”

In science, plasma is another state of matter not often talked about or taught in school. It makes up 99.9% of the observable universe. Plasma is one of the four fundamental states of matter. It contains a significant portion of charged particles – ions and/or electrons. The presence of these charged particles is what primarily sets plasma apart from the other fundamental states of matter.

Humans are a part of this electric universe and we ourselves are electric. The heart is the most electric of all our organs and so when faced with stress or trauma, our hearts are both physically and emotionally affected. The use of tuning forks in biofield tuning has a direct impact on adjusting our electric health and therefore benefits you physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

One of the big takeaways for me after reading McKusick’s book is that consciousness exists outside the physical brain. Every single experience you have ever had exists outside of you in what is called the human biofield. Some people refer to this as your energy field.

From gestation, to birth, to past generational patterns in one’s family history, these are all memories that exist in your biofield.

Similar to the rings of a tree that tell you its age, your biofield extends 5-6 feet on average from your physical body on all sides and relates to your age. So if you are 40 years old, the practitioner would stand 5-6 feet away for gestation and then move in closer during the session to pick up anything at your present age. The halfway point of your life experiences would be standing at 2.5 to 3 feet from your body.

The use of sound frequencies dates back to ancient civilizations where sound was used to induce certain states of consciousness to bring you closer to divinity. Yoga uses the word “Aum,” and when chanted many practitioners experience a quieter mind. Many classical music pieces can alter brain waves into a theta state which is associated with feelings of calm and peace. Brain wave activity can be measured and visible thru the following medical devices: fMRI, MEG, or an EEG.

Tuning forks have the ability to also induce theta brain wave states and remove emotional blocks / resistance or what I call stuck energy. It’s all in the sound of the fork. Forks come in a variety of frequencies or hertz. Sound has the ability to penetrate the electric field or plasma.

During a Biofield Tuning session, you lay on a massage table and the practitioner listens for any dissonance after they strike the tuning fork in different areas around your body. A dissonant sound can be heard as dull or high pitched. Each area of the body corresponds to specific emotional or mental states. For example the feet and knees have to do with forward movement in one’s life. The throat area connects to our ability to be heard and speak our truth. If the tuning fork has a dissonant sound, the practitioner will share his/her observation and likely ask you to confirm his/her finding regarding any feelings connected to the area of the body being worked on. Biofield Tuning has an anatomy map that connects each part of the body to specific emotional and mental states that are in balance or out of balance.

In my experience each session was always spot on and helped me to uncover and clear up quite a bit of internal noise.

The practitioner will stay in that spot where there’s dissonance until the fork has a clear and bright sound.

You can expect to notice a difference after three sessions. Of course results may vary from individual to individual, but this is the typical experience for most. I find that a session a week works well and is a part of my self-care routine.

Our bodies don’t lie and the tuning forks, similar to a detective, uncovers all the buried truths, sorrows and hurts within our subconscious in order to help you untangle the knots and create more space inside so you can experience more joy, freedom and health.

If you have patterns that you have repeated over and over in your life and want positive change, it’s really about the ability to neutralize one or more memories at the energetic level that drives one’s behavior.

I know many alternative therapies can sound “woo woo,” but I can attest to the fact this works and is an incredible tool that can be used for handling stress, chronic pain, breaking self sabotaging patterns and YES, even menopausal hot flashes.

I found it more convenient to do distance sessions. Plus they are more economical. Remote sessions work just as well as in person. Distance knows no bounds here.

To learn more about Biofield Tuning, check out the website www.Biofieldtuning.com


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