Habits are a part of life and something everyone does whether consciously or unconsciously. Ideally, we want to increase our positive habits and put a stop to the ones that don’t support our best interests and health.
Constructive habits are things you do on a daily basis that are good for your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.
Read on to learn what healthy habits menopausal women (and people of all ages!) are doing to stay on their A game.

Get More Exercise
If you don’t have a regular fitness routine, now is the perfect time to start. Exercise is wonderful for anyone, male or female, but it has some unique advantages for menopausal women. Exercise helps you lose and manage your weight, fight conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and is a preventative for ailments like arthritis and osteoporosis as you age. It’s also fantastic during any phase of your life, whether you’re a teenager, in your childbearing years, or a senior adult. Fitness is the fountain of youth and adds immeasurably to the quality of your life.

Focus on Your Nutrition
A healthy diet goes hand in hand with exercise. I often tell clients that you can work-out like an animal, but if your diet sucks, your results will be minimal. Ideally, you want to consume “whole” foods that are unprocessed, and properly prepared. Conscientious habits are your road to eating better. Fad diets don’t work because they are short lived. Who can thrive on cabbage soup for their entire life? Not me, that’s for sure. And I doubt any one reading this can either. We need variety to make sure we receive adequate amounts of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and macro-nutrients (protein, complex – carbohydrates, and good fats).
A health supportive diet is a lifestyle. Think of longevity and base your choices on foods that are good for you, provide high quality nutrition, and can be prepared easily. Many menopausal women do great on a Keto, Paleo or Whole-30 based diet because it’s higher in protein and good fats and lower in carbohydrates which helps keep insulin low. If you’re vegan or vegetarian which leans towards more grains and legumes that spike insulin, adjustments can be made to reverse those issues. Pick and choose based on what provides the most nutrition, and what is manageable for your current lifestyle.

Don’t Neglect Your Mental Health
Far too many people, women especially, neglect their mental health. How many times have you found yourself strung out, had a nervous stomach that sent you racing to the bathroom? Raise your hand if that’s happened. The status of your mental health has a direct impact on your physical body and it’s called the “Gut-Brain axis.” Anxiety and/or depression often improves when our digestion works properly so take a look at how your gut is or isn’t working.
Here’s several ideas that can work wonders to help support your mental wellness:
- Consistent exercise
- A health supportive diet
- Journaling
- Massage
- Meditation
- Get outdoors and spend time in nature; take a hike, go for a run, bike etc…
- Spend time with friends
- Play with your pet (if you have one or consider adopting a furry friend)
- Take a hot bath with some Epsom salt and some essential oil like lavender.

If time is a factor, then choose an action you can do for five minutes like journaling. If I’ve had an intense day, writing down how I feel increases my self-awareness and provides a good amount of relief to let go. A good bear hug with someone you love is also quick, uplifting and raises those feel-good hormones.
It’s easy to become a hermit and just work and sleep, so it’s important for your health and well-being to make a habit to connect with others who enrich your life. The possibilities to feel better are endless and at the end of the day it’s about doing what helps you feel most connected to your highest and best self.